Chasing some Tunes…


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Lena Matienko’s Forgive Me Speaks to the Heart

‘Faraday’ thumps back with a kicking sound that will mesmerise and entrance you as the synth filters open and drive you into a feelgood state with massive dance cut ‘Chariot’

Emerging artist Faraday delivers an uplifting, soothing, and atmospheric deep/progressive house single ‘Chariot’.

The soothing electronic single features uplifting chords, a powerful bassline, soothing pads, and an overall feel-good vibe. The single revolves around the main chord progression that evolves and becomes more powerful as the synth opens up. The arrangement of ‘Chariot’ is unique and different keeping the listener entertained with new elements such as vocal chops.

Moreover, the single spotlights the artist’s production abilities, making the single radiate emotion.

Undoubtedly, ‘Chariot’ has the ability to impact the listener as it contains a unique style and sound that gives the track an identity. The powerful production of ‘Chariot’ will take the listener into a state of a groove and good vibes.

The track has the ability to resonate with any electronic aficionado as it has every element to be catchy, memorable, and impactful.

Faraday (real name Connor Drazil) has been performing and writing music for as long as he can remember but it wasn’t until his years in college as an engineering student that he fell in love with electronic music.

It was only natural that he picked up producing shortly after in order to fulfill his wildest dreams and dedicate himself to his only true passion in life: music.

‘Faraday’ thumps back with a kicking sound that will mesmerise and entrance you as the synth filters open and drive you into a feelgood state with massive dance cut ‘Chariot’ – Chasing Tunes UK

After finishing college in 2015, Faraday now calls Seattle home and has since garnered the support of several touring artists (Mat zo, Seven lions, Feed Me, Madeon, Ferhplay, K?d, and more), a residency at Foundation Nightclub from 2015-2018, a residency with USC events, and is nearing a million total plays on his productions.

Faraday has consistently pushed the envelope and his unique sound  has helped him become a perfect fit in the Seattle music scene, along with gaining respect from around the world.

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