Chasing some Tunes…


We chase Tunes so you don't have to
'Watch Me' and 'Don't Let Go' from PTT Music

Capturing the imagination and helping strengthen your mental and spiritual mind, Check out MIKIR and their new YouTube channel.

MIKIR is Javanese for THOUGHT from the the Java islands. A variety of thought provoking and emotional music shorts created by Music Producer Ronald (TYKE) Oliver that capture the imagination and help strengthen your mental and spiritual mind.

Ronald (TYKE) Oliver is a must producer from the midwest with over 25 years experience in demo recordings, songwriting, commercial jingles, soundtracks, creator of Towerlight Records independent label and has just launched this new YOUTUBE channel MIKIR.

MIKIR has just launched their YouTube Music channel and they are looking for music and art lovers to support it with subscribers, comments and likes.

