Chasing some Tunes…


We chase Tunes so you don't have to
PAAB - Alchemic Love

Zarina’s music is all about uplifting people and she does so in her latest single ‘Happy’

Zarina’s newest release Happy is about enjoying life and being happy for your love ones. Under covid a lot of people haven’t seen their loved ones for a long time, so Zarina wants to spread some happiness and give hope.

Hearing the song Happy will leave you with a smile. You will be in a bubble, dreaming of happy days. Hopefully we can soon see our love ones and this will not be a dream any more.

Zarina’s song Happy has been played on local radio station as Radio Happy, Radio Humleborg, Radio Bodø, Radio Samsø and CBN broadcast network.

Zarina is a Danish-German singer- songwriter. She has been singing since she was 7 years old, because she always was so happy after singing along songs in the radio, she asked her mom to start in a choir. Since then she has been singing in a lot of different choirs. The latest choir was Aarhus Pigekor, where they in 2018 won the world choir games in South Africa. In 2020 she decided to go for her own music career, where she since has been writing her own songs and performing online.

Zarina is going to release a single soon from her EP – ‘Be You’ in the beginning of the summer. It is about finding yourself and be true to who you are. The whole EP is going to be released in the end of the summer.

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