With a dope retro street vibe and modern Movie sized production ‘SoulSonic’ ‘JordanL’ drop the blockbusting Conscious Hip-Hop sound and voice of ‘Rise’
SoulSonic, originally from Chicago, is a Producer and Composer of Conscious Hip-Hop and Hip-Hop Soul on the Alchemyst Audio music label out of Vegas.
Currently collaborating with lyricist and artist JordanL to create the soul soothing, energy releasing, rallying cry Hip-Hop Anthem RISE. JordanL is an established HipHop artist from Detroit, he brings ridiculous heat and thought inspiring lyrics in his music and delivery.
RISE is a Hip-Hop Anthem speaking on police brutality and world events in the Black community in a voice to mark and embrace the moment and our people. A righteous voice from the experience that the streets in all these cities has taught us, that we have been profiled, treated as less, abused by the power of morally bankrupt officers, and systemically discriminated against.
As a people, the majority in power has put that knee on our neck, from locking car doors when we pass, to crossing the street when we walk, to denying access to opportunity, to hunting us. We as a people have taken a knee, but we as a people also RISE.
SoulSonic to creatively addresses inequities I have seen, personally experienced, or was made aware of as I grew up. RISE is written in 2020, but could have easily been among the songs played at any operation P.U.S.H rally (People United to Serve Humanity) occurring in Chicago in the 70s as well. Its the spirit, and the intention of the spirit that shapes the music. Chicago will always be part of my creative process.
I am drawn to the cinema of music. Music that makes your spirit rise, soar, reflect, or allows you space to contemplate quiet thoughts or the people and environment around you. This can be achieved boldly or subtly, the thoughts can be in the silences in-between the notes, as long as the music is intentional and present.
My inspiration comes from the Women who raised me, my mother Elizabeth, who’s passed, and the Woman I Love, my wife Jennifer. They are both remarkable women, souls and people. They are and were generous, caring, loving and optimistic beings in a world where it seems there is a little less light everyday.
SoulSonic Twitter
SoulSonic Rise Video
Alchemyst Audio Website