Chasing some Tunes…


We chase Tunes so you don't have to
Lena Matienko’s Forgive Me Speaks to the Heart

Trixie Mattel – The Glee Club, Birmingham

Trixie Mattel is something of an underdog on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Having first appeared during seventh season, which saw Violet Chachki soar to victory, while Trixie suffered two eliminations (Week 4 and Week 10), she is back for All Stars 3 having amassed a huge following in the aftermath of the show. While perhaps most celebrated for her truly hilarious and often insightful collaboration with Katya, she has also impressed audiences with her music releases. Having veered away from the generic, but addictive dance tracks favoured by her fellow Drag Race peers, she has become Country and Folk’s first ever Drag Superstar. With her debut release having reached #5 on the UK’s Official Country Chart, her latest tour Now With Moving Parts promises a mix of dark humour and poignant songs, but does it deliver?