Chasing some Tunes…


We chase Tunes so you don't have to
Lena Matienko’s Forgive Me Speaks to the Heart

The Boxtones – Against The Odds – Review and Video

The Boxtones hail from Scotland and Canada but are based in Dubai and are signed to Universal Music Mena.

Their new single ‘Against The Odds’ hit our desk with full force and thumping ‘We will rock you’ drums. The vocals are huge and sound like a classic anthem but of the modern day. The track has a positive fighting spirit chanting ‘ We can be faster, stronger, scream our battle cry’ and the Na’s Na’s are so infectious they stick in your head like a strong addiction.

‘Against The Odds’ reveals their Scottish roots with bag pipes and all and the production is mammoth and is accompanied by a seriously huge ( this is a theme with the Boxtones – ed ) video:

Chasing Tunes suggest you get close to this band now before they take over the world. 9/10