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Kiss singer Gene Simmons says Prince’s death was chosen !

Kiss singer Gene Simmons has made further controversial comments about Prince’s death, implying that Prince chose to die.
Shortly after Prince’s death in May, Simmons said Prince had died of a drug overdose, several weeks before the official cause of death was confirmed.

Now, Simmons has told US radio station WNOR: “I knew Prince and I knew Bowie. Bowie died from disease. Prince died from drugs, as did Michael Jackson. Drugs killed them, but it was a choice.”

Simmons went on: “It’s so sad they went that way, because you have every reason to live. You hurt your fans and you hurt everybody.”
After his comments in May, Simmons had apologised, saying: “I have a long history of getting very angry at what drugs do to the families and friends of addicts. I didn’t express myself properly.”
But, in his new interview, Simmons said: “I’d stated it for a fact: he died because of drugs use. People got very upset, but that’s why he died. Drugs are a selfish thing. This generation, and previous ones, believe that drugs use are a part of life, but I reject that. You play with fire, you’re going to get burnt.”
Neither Simmons or fellow Kiss singer Paul Stanley have ever drunk or taken drugs.

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