Chasing some Tunes…


We chase Tunes so you don't have to
Lena Matienko’s Forgive Me Speaks to the Heart

Read about the new single ‘My Dear’ from ‘Bastwist’

The new single from Bastwist is entitled ‘My Dear’.

Tell us about your new single ‘My Dear’, what is it about ?

I composed this song for my fiance. the song was made in my bedroom, stucked on my bed. I felt inspired by a chill rhythm that was stuck in my head. When I found the vocals, I tweaked them so they could fit to what I did and this is what I ended up with.

Tell us about your musical history ?

Been doing music for more than 10 years. started off to make music on website, than I got my first ever DAW on my parents computer. I couldn’t handle it at first, I was really bad. Through the years I learned a lot from internet (that’s how most ppl do nowadays) and got my first computer, switched to Ableton and never left it. I don’t particularly stick to one genre, I write what’s coming to my mind. I’m serious about music and want to give the best that I can into this art. It’s like a drug and a therapy for me. When I was young I used to watch MCM top 50 or 100 all day long… Mostly to hear Bomfunk Mc’s – freestyler
Nowadays I listen to lots kind of music.